Agent's Wing This was the first badge issued to Airborne qualified partisans. The Jump School was originally located at Pusan and later moved to Seoul. All Agent’s Wings are die struck, clutch backed and serial numbered. A characteristic of all of the genuine badges is the nice cloisonné work of the Taegeuk.

Agent's Wing attributed to 2LT Emory Albritton. 2LT Albritton served with the 509th and 551st during WWII and was 1LT Douglas Dillard's assistant in AVIARY. This was the first badge issued to Airborne qualified partisans. The Jump School was originally located at Pusan and later moved to Seoul. All Agent’s Wings are die struck, clutch backed and serial numbered. A characteristic of all of the genuine badges is the nice cloisonné work of the Taegeuk. Courtesy of Les Hughes

Agent's Wing attributed to MSG Charles Lamb. This was the first badge issued to Airborne qualified partisans. The Jump School was originally located at Pusan and later moved to Seoul. All Agent’s Wings are die struck, clutch backed and serial numbered. A characteristic of all of the genuine badges is the nice cloisonné work of the Taegeuk.

Agent's Wing attributed to CPT David Brooks. This was the first badge issued to Airborne qualified partisans. The Jump School was originally located at Pusan and later moved to Seoul. All Agent’s Wings are die struck, clutch backed and serial numbered. A characteristic of all of the genuine badges is the nice cloisonné work of the Taegeuk.

Agent's Wing attributed to MAJ Frank Stanfield. Notice the green material behind the Agents Wing. This is the first time that I have encountered an 8240th AU badge with backing material and at this time, I do not know the significance behind it. Another unusual - unique aspect about this original badge is the fasteners on the back. This particular Agents Wing has a screw back post in the middle and clutch back posts on either side of the wing.

Agent's Wing attributed to 1LT John Neofes. This was the first badge issued to Airborne qualified partisans. The Jump School was originally located at Pusan and later moved to Seoul. All Agent’s Wings are die struck, clutch backed and serial numbered. A characteristic of all of the genuine badges is the nice cloisonné work of the Taegeuk. Courtesy of Bob Chatt

Agent's Wing This was the first badge issued to Airborne qualified partisans. The Jump School was originally located at Pusan and later moved to Seoul. All Agent’s Wings are die struck, clutch backed and serial numbered. A characteristic of all of the genuine badges is the nice cloisonné work of the Taegeuk.

Agent's Wing This was the first badge issued to Airborne qualified partisans. The Jump School was originally located at Pusan and later moved to Seoul. All Agent’s Wings are die struck, clutch backed and serial numbered. A characteristic of all of the genuine badges is the nice cloisonné work of the Taegeuk. Courtesy of Dennis English

Agent's Wing This was the first badge issued to Airborne qualified partisans. The Jump School was originally located at Pusan and later moved to Seoul. All Agent’s Wings are die struck, clutch backed and serial numbered. A characteristic of all of the genuine badges is the nice cloisonné work of the Taegeuk.

Agent's Wing This was the first badge issued to Airborne qualified partisans. The Jump School was originally located at Pusan and later moved to Seoul. All Agent’s Wings are die struck, clutch backed and serial numbered. A characteristic of all of the genuine badges is the nice cloisonné work of the Taegeuk.

Agent's Wing This was the first badge issued to Airborne qualified partisans. The Jump School was originally located at Pusan and later moved to Seoul. All Agent’s Wings are die struck, clutch backed and serial numbered. A characteristic of all of the genuine badges is the nice cloisonné work of the Taegeuk.

Agent's Wing This was the first badge issued to Airborne qualified partisans. The Jump School was originally located at Pusan and later moved to Seoul. All Agent’s Wings are die struck, clutch backed and serial numbered. A characteristic of all of the genuine badges is the nice cloisonné work of the Taegeuk.

Agent's Wing This was the first badge issued to Airborne qualified partisans. The Jump School was originally located at Pusan and later moved to Seoul. All Agent’s Wings are die struck, clutch backed and serial numbered. A characteristic of all of the genuine badges is the nice cloisonné work of the Taegeuk.

Kim Sung Kil wearing the Agent's Badge and Combat Infantryman Badge.

Kim Sung Kil Although small in stature, he was a warrior who loved fighting more than he did books. He proudly wears an Agents Badge, a CIB, holds a .45 pistol and wears a metal wrist watch which was a status symbol.